Who We Are

REFINERY Church is a healthy place for you and your family to grow spiritually and develop meaningful relationships.

When visiting REFINERY Church

You'll be welcomed into a friendly, casual environment by people who are excited to see you.

We want you to have an idea of what to expect when you arrive at a REFINERY Church. All you have to do from here is come as you are and find out more for yourself! After pulling into the parking structure across the street our team will greet you and help direct you to where you need to go. Look for the REFINERY signs and join us across the street. We can help you get your kids checked in, show you around and help you get familiar with our facilities.

Sunday mornings you can expect:

  • 75 minute interactive service
  • Friendly engaging atmosphere
  • Relevant Christ-centered message
  • Inspiring worship music
  • Fun & safe activities for children

What is Our Culture

The way we live our lives, the way we spend our time and money, the way we prioritize activities, all shows what matters most to us. It demonstrates what we value. At REFINERY Church we live our lives with purpose. The cultural values can be seen in who we are and how we live.

What we Believe

Our core beliefs lay a solid foundation by which we are building a community of faith.

  • We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, and not only contains truth but is truth.
  • We believe that God is a three-person being: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that humans were created in the image of God, but fell from perfection and relationship with God by voluntary disobedience.
  • We believe that while we were still sinners Christ died in our place; paying for all of our sins – past, present and future.
  • We believe that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ by God’s grace – not by our good works.
  • We believe that by sincerely turning away from sin and whole-heartily accepting Jesus as Lord, one is made right before God.
  • We believe that each one who accepts Jesus as Lord becomes a new person inside.
  • We believe that all new believers should be baptized in water to publicly announce their new faith in Jesus Christ.
  • We believe that Christians should regularly partake of bread and grape juice as symbols, to remember what Christ accomplished for them on the cross.
  • We believe the Holy Spirit is the Person and the Power by which assistance and ability are given for serving and for sharing the life of God with others.
  • We believe that it is the will of God for believers to be led and empowered daily by the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that a Christian should show spiritual fruit, such as love, as evidence of a Spirit-filled life.
  • We believe that a believer’s daily walk and experience should never lead into extremes of fanaticism.
  • We believe that divine healing is the power of Jesus Christ to heal in answer to the prayer of faith.
  • We believe that the second coming of Christ is personal and imminent.
  • We believe that it is a believer’s duty to identify and regularly assemble with other believers in a local church.
  • We believe that authorities should be obeyed at all times except when things oppose the will of God.
  • We believe that all shall stand some day before God to be judged; and there receive eternal life or eternal death.
  • We believe that heaven is the beautiful and eternal home of born-again believers.
  • We believe that hell is a literal place of eternal torment for all who reject Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
  • We believe that leading people to Jesus is the most important responsibility of every believer.