Talent Priorities

God gives talents, abilities, skills and giftings to people. When we use these “talents” for the building up of God’s Kingdom, then we will experience true fulfillment and rich rewards. “But first seek God with our talents.”

Learning to prioritize what matters most requires each person to look at their skills, talents, and abilities and ask “Why do I have these giftings? and Who gave them to me?” When we settle these questions, then we can put them to great use building up the Kingdom of God. This give us a greater sense of purpose and meaning as we invest those talents into a “work” that will last forever and pay off with huge rewards. Our study comes from Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 25:14-18 called “The Parable of The Talents.”

Sermon Details

January 18, 2020
Key Verse:
Matthew 25:14-28

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